Environmental policy
- A sound policy reflects the commitment of the management.
- Policy has to be documented and made available to internal and external parties.
- Policy must be realistic taking in to consideration the constraints and resources of the company as well as the extent of impact that the organization has on the environment.
- Concept of sustainable development should be a part of the document.
- Be in conformity with the laws and rules and regulations.
- Lay down a framework of environmental objectives.
- Takes into consideration a proper schedule, resources, targets, successes as well as likely failures, contingencies and alternatives to mitigate the crisis if it occurs.
- The plan includes environmental aspects and impacts.
- Takes into consideration the processes, resources, responsibilities, skills, authority and coordination.
- Involves
- Management of human, financial and natural resources.
- Motivation for action
- Responsibilities
- Documentation
- Communication with the organization
- Operation control
- Preparedness of emergency
- Records and management information.
- Successful implementation need commitment of all employees.
- Education and training as and when necessary to impart environmental skills and knowledge.
- Sufficient resources for implementation
Monitoring and evaluation
- Review its actions for improvements.
- Ongoing process to identify environmental performance indicators that are verifiable.
- System and procedure for determining compliance and conformance with laws and rules and regulations.
- Periodic audit.
- Should go beyond compliance
- Pay full attention to implementation of objectives set out by organization.
- If the objectives have not been achieved or not achievable, these must be changed or modified.
- Issues to be discussed:
- Suitability of policy
- Recommendations of audit report
- New regulations
- Interest of stakeholders
- Public awareness and pressures
- Review findings must be documented and implemented.
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